(USCMC, 53622a) TECHNICAL Model J9008E TRIVIA Released on Octoin North America. The data contained herein is considered top secret as of this release, and any duplication, distribution or display is punishable by courtmartial with a maximum penalty not to exceed seven years imprisonment in the Yuggoth penal colony, SYS Aldeberan IV. Limited data from the incident also allow for reasonably extrapolated simulations from the viewpoints of the two alien groups believed to have participated in the incident. Predator is a tactical simulator depicting the events following the fall of Camp Golgotha Colonial Marine Training Base to a group of xenomorphs (aliens) not yet fully classified. published 29 years ago: Alien vs Predator © 1994 Atari Corp. Ifyouareunder18, besuretogeta parent'spermission beforecalling.ĪTARIandtheAtarilogoareregisteredtrademarksofAtariCorporation.Jaguar,ClubDrive,Cybermorph,CheckeredFlag,Evolution:DinoDudesandTrevorMcFurintheCrescentĪGtaalraixCyoraproertatriaodnem©ar1k9s93o.fARtaariidCeonr®®D,V©EN19T9U3R.EASli,encahanrdacPtreerdsa,tnoramTeMs&an©dTwaellntreileatthedCienndtiucirayaFroextrFaildmemCaorrkpsoroaftiWoanr.nAelrlrBirgohtthserress,Udsteod

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