
Silent hill book of memories ps4 download free
Silent hill book of memories ps4 download free

Note that the Sad Daddy could speak only in its human manifestation.Plot Note: Silent Hill: Book of Memories is set in the year 2010.

  • Helen is one of the few monsters that are conscious and can speak in their monstrous forms, the others being Mary, Leonard Wolf, Steel Guardian, Twin Victim, Bottom, Prisoners, Bloodied Bag, Monocle Man, Alessa, Lucas, Ben, and Karen.
  • Helen is one of the three cage-/vice-based monsters in the series, all of them being female and with this being the last one, although first in chronological order. Specifically, Momma is similar to the Mary boss.

    silent hill book of memories ps4 download free

    Like many creatures in Silent Hill: Origins, this boss is similar to a monster in Silent Hill 2.It's also noticeable that the gibbet has an almost church bell-like structure, also hinting to the possibility of the suspected connections to Dahlia Gillespie it very well could've been this woman who instilled her beliefs of Travis being a devil into her head, and having Momma trapped inside the gibbet could also be deciphered as Helen being trapped within a false belief. Also, her ability to exhale poisonous gas might represent the attempt to kill herself and Travis by natural gas inhalation. She is in a gibbet, which were once used to suspend convicted criminals, possibly referring to her "criminal" act of trying to kill her own son. Her mummified/caged state represents her stay in Cedar Grove Sanitarium, being constantly under watch and caged up, unable to see her family or be free. Her mouth is frozen open in a scream, representing her desire for her son as well as the change in her personality. This creature is representative of Travis' memory of his mother.

    silent hill book of memories ps4 download free

    She moves a little faster than most bosses, but can be defeated in the same way as every boss in Silent Hill: Origins by running from corner to corner and shooting until the boss is vanquished. She can perform a grapple attack if Travis gets too close. She attacks by spraying a gray gas around her, which has a large radius, and she also flails around with large spikes sticking out of her "dress". She moves by swinging around, attached to the ceiling. Her mouth is permanently held open wide by wire, as if she is screaming. She is of a dull, grayish brown color and appears to be covered in grime. Momma appears as a barely identifiable woman trapped in an iron cage.

    Silent hill book of memories ps4 download free